[ale] Linux Distribution Recommendations

Jay Lovell Jay.Lovell at bridge.bst.bls.com
Tue Apr 23 18:37:47 EDT 1996

jl> Of the various and sundry Linux distributions out on the market now, can
jl> anyone make a recommendation as to a particular distribution to choose or
jl> avoid? 

> Hey Jay !
> Long time...

Tell me about it!  I forgot you were also a big Linux fan.  Glad to have run
into you again.  Maybe I'll get to see your sorry self at the next ALE
meeting.  Ga Tech isn't too far for you to drive from Riverdale is it? <grin>
> I  used to use slackware, but, I think it will die soon, it's dated.  My
> opinion, mind you.

Several other sources have indicated that to me as well.  I didn't have too
much problem with it though that was really just a learning experience for
installing it and setting up X.

> I've been using Caldera since Preview I.  I like it a lot !
> Caldera is now released and is great, oh, it's RedHat based, very nice.

What can you tell me about Caldera?  My goal is to have a workstation at the
house that is a UNIX/Motif machine since what I use and have to support at
work is UNIX/Motif based.  Linux with Motif fits that bill nicely.  Caldera
seems like a very good option as well, but it is not based on Motif and I
don't have a clear idea how the two compare.  Of course with every UNIX vendor
around jumping on the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) bandwagon, I wonder how
important the difference really is.  (Anyone else feel free to chime in here)

> Since building another box, for dedicated linux use, the ol' os/2 box hardly
> gets used, it still runs the bbs in autopilot.

Tell me about it.  I am in the process of going through a lifestyle change and
all of my hardware except the laptop I use at work is currently mothballed. 
Hopefully I'll be able to get a couple of tables and set it all back up soon. 
At that point, I'll probably spring for a nice 17" monitor for the Linux box
and do X right.  

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