Over 10,00 Linux Users REGISTERED

Daniel Newcombe NEWCOMBE at AA.csc.peachnet.edu
Fri Jan 13 16:02:56 EST 1995

FYI:  This was just found on comp.os.linux.advocacy.  And these are 
just the people that have registered!!!

 From: hta at uninett.no (Harald T. Alvestrand)
Subject: 10.000 registered Linux users
Date: 13 Jan 1995 11:04:12 GMT

A small amount of jubilation is due...
on one of the first days of January, my Linux Counter passed 10.000 registered
Linux users.

Status of the Linux counter, as of Fri Jan 13 11:01:30 MET 1995

There are 10256 registered Linux users

I estimate this as being between 0.2 and 5% of the total number of Linux users,
giving the total community size something between 205.120 and 5.128.000 members.

See the file README.ESTIMATES for the details of why I think so.

 Self Other   Sum %Sum  Place
 7675   141  7816  75% home
 2584    83  2667  25% work
  507   525  1032  10% school
  844    61   905   8% somewhere
   63     0    63   0% not used
 9542   777 10319 100% TOTAL

      Country                    Self Other   Sum  MPop Linux/M
 1 is Iceland                      16     0    16     0.3  61.3
 2 fi Finland                     271     0   271     5.1  53.5
 3 no Norway                      188     1   189     4.3  43.6
 4 dk Denmark                     135     2   137     5.2  26.0
 5 se Sweden                      216     6   222     8.8  24.6
 6 nl Netherlands                 357     3   360    15.4  23.2
 7 au Australia                   318     9   327    18.1  17.6
 8 de Germany                    1341    19  1360    81.1  16.5
 9 ca Canada                      451    25   476    28.1  16.0
10 us USA                        3981    91  4072   260.7  15.3
....goes on for a total of 62 countries, 2 former countries and 3 non-countries...

You can register at linux-counter at uninett.no (Email) or at
http://domen.uninett.no/~hta/linux/counter.html (www)

                   Harald Tveit Alvestrand
                Harald.T.Alvestrand at uninett.no
                      +47 73 59 70 94


Dan A. Newcombe           Clayton State College       Computing Services    
E-Mail Address: newcombe at aa.csc.peachnet.edu          (404)-961-3421
- So if you want my address it's number one at the end of the bar.
                                  (Marillion, Sugar Mice)

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