Ammo Goettsch
ammo at cc.gatech.edu
Wed Nov 2 21:57:36 EST 1994
> > If telnet etc work, doesn't the system need to pretend to have an IP
> > address? Seeing as a socket server can find out who is attempting
> > to connect, what would TIA answer?
> >
> > Another way to ask the question: without temporary IP addresses,
> > how does this work?
> It pretends to have the address of the host machine ALA term.
Thanks. That makes sense, but isn't really all that great. This means
someone whom you are opening a socket to cannot open a socket back to
you or anything like that. It also won't allow you to get your mail sent
to the linux box. Hmm, think I will stick with ppp :) and just dedicate
a machine at work.
> --
> Vernard Martin (vernard at cc.gatech.edu) Ga Tech College of Computing
> Student at Large, High Performance Parallel Computation and Experimentation Lab
> Atlanta, GA 30332-0280 Phone (404) 853-9390 "Live large and prosper." - MC Spock
> WWW home page--> http://www.cc.gatech.edu/grads/m/Vernard.Martin/V.html
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