[ALE-jobs] [ANNC] ALE-NW at SPSU MTG. -- 7:30pm Thurs., November 8th, 2012

Aaron Ruscetta arxaaron at gmail.com
Mon Nov 5 22:27:02 EST 2012

The next ALE-NW at SPSU meeting is being held
Thursday, November 8th, 2012 at 7:30pm in room J-266
of the Atrium (J) building on the SPSU campus.

The feature presentation will be:
with Orlando Karam

- Amazon Web Services are among the most popular
"infrastructure-as-a-service" offerings on the internet;
they let you easily run Linux (and other OSs) as virtual
machines on Amazon's infrastructure.  In this talk, we
will give a brief introduction to capability and pricing,
and talk about how to  start VMs from the web or from
scripts with the boto python library.

Speaker Bio:
– Orlando Karam was born in the US but grew up in
Mexico. He got hooked up with Unix while a grad student
at Tulane University, and has been running Linux on
servers and laptops for more than 15 years.  He teaches
computer science at Southern Polytechnic State University,
and is starting to use AWS for research and development.

For a campus map and a link to directions please see
Parking in non reserved spaces in the P60 deck is best.
Building J, the Atrium building, is a short distance east
of the parking deck.
ALE-NW at SPSU meetings are open events and we hope
you will join us!  Also remember that topic suggestions
and presentation offers the meetings can be emailed to
<jdp at algoloma.com>

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