[ALE-jobs] Fwd: Happy New Year + IT hiring needs for 2011

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 20:14:36 EST 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Doug Kling" <douglas at htrjobs.com>
Date: Jan 2, 2011 3:35 PM
Subject: Happy New Year + IT hiring needs for 2011
To: <jim.kinney at gmail.com>


 Happy New Year! I hope 2010 was a good one for you. At Hunter Technical
Resources, we were fortunate enough to see a major rebound in hiring in the
IT hiring marketplace. This rebound manifested itself in a 53% increase in
the number of placements made in 2010 over 2009. What was especially
encouraging was that the 2nd half of 2010 was 25% strong than the first
half. This is a trend that we expect will continue in 2011. It should be a
good year indeed.

This should be buoyed by data from a recent article on CNN.com which stated
that 84% of current employees are planning on looking for a job change in
2011. This is up from 60% in 2010. That article can be read here:

This means that there will be a substantial number of passive job seekers in
the market for the growing number of open positions. Going into 2011, we
have roughly 150 open positions at our clients. We anticipate this number to
grow by the beginning of February.

Our current openings come in 9 distinct areas:

1)     Open Source and Java Development. We currently have 35+ open
positions for Senior/Mid-level Software Engineers that are working with
Java, Spring, Ruby. Python, Flash/Flex and various other related

2)     .NET Development: We currently have 30+ openings for .NET developers
at multiple clients. Many of these roles are exclusive positions at
long-standing clients.

3)     Mobile Development Projects: iOS and Android development are becoming
a bigger piece of the puzzle every month. Additionally, we are in the final
stages of putting together a training program for a major client of ours in
the iPad arena. Expect more news about this by mid-January.

4)     Project Management / Product Management / Business Analysis: This has
been a major area of growth in that clients are green-lighting new projects
and looking to add key talent to take the reins for these projects. Many of
these projects are using the Agile development process, which we are seeing
more and more of.

5)     Database Engineering / Business Intelligence: At the executive
levels, organizations are increasing spend on BI and Data-Intensive
engineering roles. This is something we expect will continue to increase.

6)     Quality Assurance / Configuration Management: As development teams
grow, QA teams are growing along with them. Mercury, Selenium and various
other tools are skill sets that are in need. Select teams are adding
high-end Configuration Management engineers as well.

7)     Infrastructure: Virtualization, and extensive experience with
high-end Linux & Microsoft systems engineering are skills that are being
hired for by almost all of our clients.

8)     ERP: Local and traveling PeopleSoft, Oracle and SAP roles are being
filled as these initiatives are being focused heavily on by larger clients
and consulting firms.

9)     Senior Technical / Executive Management: Many organizations cut
layers of management throughout 2008 and 2009. New positions have been
slower to come back, but we have been seeing a progression here. We expect
that to growth to speed up in the coming months.

If you are one of the 84% of people that is willing to consider a job change
in 2011, I look forward to connecting (or re-connecting) you with one of our
Senior Recruiters at Hunter to talk about the roles that we are currently
working on. There will still be heavy competition for many of these roles,
but our expert recruiters can help you position your background so that you
have the best possible change of landing in one of the roles that you are
interested in.

If you are not interested in pursuing another position at this point in
time, HTR has a special referral bonus policy for new hires made in Q1 of
2011: For any referral made by you that is hired by a client of ours in Q1
2011, HTR will send you a brand new Apple iPad. I’ve been an iPad owner
since day 1, and if you don’t have one yet, you are missing our on a real
game-changer device. And if you do have one, the time for sharing it with
family members stops here!

Regardless of whether you are looking for a new role, have friends that are,
or neither, HTR looks forward to hearing from you in 2011. We anticipate big
things in the coming months and we look forward to continuing our business
relationship with you.

All the best,

-Douglas Kling

 Director of Recruiting

 Hunter Technical Resources

 douglas at htrjobs.com

 Check out our new website:

 Join my LinkedIn Network: www.linkedin.com/in/douglaskling

 Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/douglaskling

This email was sent to jim.kinney at gmail.com, by Doug Kling.
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