<div dir="ltr"><div>Took delivery on my spankin' new Lenovo T530 Tuesday. I spent a good part of the day today messin' with it. I took great care never to boot it to Windows 7 Home Edition, even though I know I'll never get that part of my money back. Bastardi. After some fiddling with various liveCD distros, I loaded Debian Wheezy on her. She's now called "antling".<br>
<br>Wheezy meant I had to explicitly install a package to enable the evil proprietary wifi (Intel Centrino). I disabled the annoying touchpad in software in favor of the lovely Trackpoint ("nipple"). . Drilled a small hole in the case with my pocketknife so I could touch-find the <home> and <end> keys. Removed the "Lenovo Experience" and "Windows 7" stickers and threw them away.<br>
<br>I'm still kind of moving in:<br><br>apt-get install audacity<br>apt-get install emacs-23<br>apt-get install svn<br>apt-get install build-essentials<br>apt-get install git<br></div><div><br>This machine is blazin' fast compared to my old R50. Some of the amenities are pretty nice too: keyboard and screen lights, a switch to turn wifi completely off, speaker and mic mute buttons. Sleep seems to work jus' fine. I specifically ordered a machine without a built-in webcam. A picture for good luck ( <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/glantriff/8917203291/" target="_blank">http://www.flickr.com/photos/glantriff/8917203291/</a> ).<br>
<br></div>-- CHS<br><br></div>