Just thought share that I just received the Raspberry Pi kit from MCM Electronics. <br><br>It came with:<br> Raspberry Pi PCB Board<br> PI plate enclosure<br> USB optical mouse & keyboard<br> 5V 1000 MA AC Adapter<br><br>
It was supposed to also include a 4GB SD card but they failed to package it. I called their office and a human picked up the phone on the second ring. She very quickly got my order up and I explained what was missing. She apologized, admitted that they most likely failed to pack it and got the process started for shipping me the missing item. Great customer service as the call couldn't have lasted 5 minutes.<br>
<br>Here is a link to the the kit I purchased:<br><a href="http://www.mcmelectronics.com/product/83-14276">http://www.mcmelectronics.com/product/83-14276</a><br><br>Initial impressions:<br>While the enclosure, while 'cute', doesn't have a great lid to it and having to bend the cables around and underneath the board to get it out of the enclosure doesn't look all that great. I would have opted for a different enclosure given the choice.<br>
<br>I'm actually surprised by the USB mouse and keyboard. They don't appear to be the cheapest pieces of crap a company could find. The keyboard feels solid, is quiet and has a metal base.<br><br>I'll admit that this was a bit of an impulse purchase, had I taken the time to really look I am sure I could have put together the same parts for as much, if not less. <br>
<br>I look forward to firing this up when I get an SD card in it and trying it out. :)<br><br>--<br>Woody<br>Rambling on into the ether....<br>