<p>Only my view, of course.<br>
There were a huge amount of database-related talks. Mysql had 2 rooms. The next-largest collection of talks was related to clouds. Good food at the hotel restaurant. No other food outlet within 2 blocks but the Fedora hotdog cart Saturday.</p>
<p>Next year, I need to take a recovery day after the conference. Also, would like to have an army of Borg clones, so I could get to more concurrent sessions. </p>
<p><a href="http://evergreen-community-01.lyrasistechnology.org">http://evergreen-community-01.lyrasistechnology.org</a><br>
<a href="http://sourcefreedom.com">http://sourcefreedom.com</a><br>
Apache developer:<br>
<a href="mailto:wolfhalton@apache.org">wolfhalton@apache.org</a></p>