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Hi Ron, <BR>
Sorry I missed your call the other day. I'm on the road in California on business and just getting back online with stuff at home. <BR>
I know and understand all that has been said here regarding Gnome2. Yes, it is dead and no I don't like Gnome3 either and yes I still run Gnome2. Ignoring all of that, here is how to get what you want via the GUI (which I know you like) for 11.04:<BR>
1. Goto Control Center (you can find this under the power button icon in Gnome2 in the upper right as default - click on "System Settings")<BR>
2. Scroll down to expose "System" and click on "Login Screen"<BR>
3. Click "Unlock"<BR>
4. Authenticate<BR>
5. Choose "Ubuntu Classic" or which ever DE you want -- the rest is obvious<BR>
6. Enjoy<BR>
Long day so calling it quits. I hope this helps and will follow-up on your v/m as soon as I have enough time...kinda slammed at present....<BR>
On Tue, 2011-11-08 at 14:39 -0500, Ron Frazier wrote:
Hi all,
Well, the subject says it. How do I NOT use Unity and DO use Gnome 2 in
Ubuntu 11.x? Michael T. has almost convinced me to hit the Update
button on my old Ubuntu 10.04 based on comments in the "AARG! Manual
software updates, Sun Java, LibreOffice, help" thread. Should I take
the plunge, and update twice to 11.04, I'll be faced with running the
Unity UI. I tried it once before and its lifespan on my system was
about 30 minutes. So, if I go down this road, and update and keep 11.04
on the system, and hate Unity yet again, how do I banish it permanently
and use Gnome 2 on the newer version of Ubuntu. I don't know anything
about Gnome 3, but my objective is to get an up to date system, not to
change everything I've finally got working like I like it. PS, I don't
want to have to specify the UI every time I login. PPS, I don't have
the system upgraded yet, so I cannot try instructions you give yet.