Friends:<br><br>I installed Ubuntu 11.04 in a VMWare session. It is a 64bit edition and it installed fine.<br><br>After that I found a few things.<br><br>a. Firefox 4.0 was installed ( I will come to this in a min)<br>b. Java is not pre-installed.<br>
<br>Now, I started to install Websphere 7 free developer. The install is a bunch of scripts based on Firefox with HTML involved. Since this was firefox 4.0 the anchor tags which are trigger points for the installs to start just would not do the install. (Not sure why but firefox4 would not cooperate)<br>
<br>Here is how it looks <a href=""></a><br><br>I started the install from command line and it kind of moved forward. I have been seeing issues when commands don't run from inside the .sh files<br>
<br>I am not sure why ubuntu is behaving this way. <br><br>Would the smart folks here comment and/or try to setup websphere developer edition on their machines inside of a vmware sesssion<br><br>The following code shows the error. The PMT folder exists but the script thinks that it does not. I am not sure why it thinks so.<br>
<br><a href=""></a><br><br>-Narahari<br>