My droid did the 2.2 update a few days ago. Poking around, I noticed the new addition to networks and wireless - tethering!<br><br>Let's make this short : It "Just Works". Plug in the USB cable, don't choose mount drive, select menu, wireless, tethering on then on the Fedora 13 side simply choose the new USB0 connection from NetworkManager. Wrote this email over it. <br>
<br>happyhappyjoyjoy!<br><br>hooking this up to the netbook next so small portable connect nearly anywhere.<br><br>Wonder what _new_ data limits Verizon will come up with?<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>-- <br>James P. Kinney III<br>
I would rather stumble along in freedom than walk effortlessly in chains.<br><br><br>