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<TT><FONT COLOR="#737373">> >> Ubuntu is to Debian as RHEL is to Fedora (except RHEL works)</FONT></TT><BR>
Ubuntu is to Debian as Fedora is to RHEL.. sort of. <BR>
Except Ubuntu is not an experimental release to test stuff out for Debian <BR>
as Fedora is to RHEL. <BR>
People tend to get to like what they want to use. Or maybe it is people are more comfortable with distros of which they can predict behaviour.<BR>
I disliked S.U.S.E. when all I was running was old hardware, and the S.U.S.E. version I had only came on a DVD when I didn't have a DVD drive.<BR>
I may like it more, now that I have some newer hardware to play with. <BR>
The first Fedora I messed with was the very buggy Fedora Core 4. Fedora doesn't version-upgrade well over the Internet, so Ubuntu has been my first choice for about 5 years.<BR>
PS, Good luck with Debian, it should be fun!<BR>