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Wow, we could be positive and look for solutions that will "lift all boats." I want my Star Trek economy, Now!<BR>
-----Original Message-----<BR>
<B>From</B>: Charles Shapiro <<A HREF="mailto:Charles%20Shapiro%20%3chooterpincher@gmail.com%3e">hooterpincher@gmail.com</A>><BR>
<B>Reply-to</B>: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - Yes! We run Linux! <ale@ale.org><BR>
<B>To</B>: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - Yes! We run Linux! <<A HREF="mailto:Atlanta%20Linux%20Enthusiasts%20-%20Yes!%20We%20run%20Linux!%20%3cale@ale.org%3e">ale@ale.org</A>><BR>
<B>Subject</B>: Re: [ale] [Semi-OT] Re: More reasons to adore Microsoft<BR>
<B>Date</B>: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 11:56:13 -0400<BR>
Oh boy. I'll wear asbestos for this.
You did catch that the young man narrating his terrible story was
supporting his entire family with this job, right?
I know that I can choose not to work overtime, but if I don't work
overtime, then I am stuck with only 770 RMB [$112.67 per month] in
base wages. This is not nearly enough to support a family. My
parents are farmers without jobs. They also do not have pensions. I
also need to worry about getting married which requires a lot of
What do you suppose they will do if we self-righteously boycott the
factory and it closes? It basically sucks to be poor, especially in a
poor society. This is not news. I agree that these workers are
exploited. I agree that Microsoft is helping to facilitate a cruel and
unjust work environment. But what alternatives do these people have?
-- CHS
On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:31 AM, Michael Trausch <<A HREF="mailto:mike@trausch.us">mike@trausch.us</A>> wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-04-15 at 11:17 -0400, Jim Kinney wrote:
>> My point in the post was not to discuss the labor laws (or total lack)
>> in China, but that Microsoft (and the list of others in the article)
>> have profited handsomely from business actions that most of us as
>> parents would object strenuously to.
> I think the biggest impact that it will have is none. That said, as my
> newly-added signature indicates, I'm hopeful that that isn't the case.
> But most people don't really care. They'll buy clothing, furniture,
> cars, computers, and general other stuff regardless of the conditions
> that the aforementioned items were made in. Most people perceive
> Microsoft software as being necessary for business (my clients do, too,
> despite my efforts to convince them otherwise) and therefore, they'll
> justify the purchase and use of the software as a necessary evil of the
> world. That turns the children into something like martyrs, and makes
> it all better, I guess.
> It's disgusting, IMHO.
> --- Mike
> --
> Even if their crude and anticompetitive business practices don't make
> you think about using their software, their use of sweatshops and child
> labor should: boycott Microsoft like you would any other amoral child
> abuser: <A HREF="http://is.gd/btW8m">http://is.gd/btW8m</A>
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