Greetings,<br><br>I'm wading into the Xen waters, and I'm interested in testing lightweight / small footprint Linux guest distros. Kind of what I'm looking for is:<br><br>1. A distro that supports a gui or menu driven installation to the guest "space" (forgive my terminology).<br>
2. Installs only what's necessary for booting and networking, and<br>3. Supports some kind of package manager installation.<br><br>I don't really want to get into the loop of download source, compile, and configure. Something that works is OK. For example, I'd like to setup a guest OS that has nothing but linux, and the stuff to run postfix. Another guest would run nothing but DNS. Similarly for Apache.<br>
<br>Test box is older hardware thus limiting what I can do with it. <br><br>I know there are a number of small footprint projects out there - looking for some advice on culling that herd.<br><br>Regards,<br><br>-ty<br><br>