<tt><font size=2>> If you use the X gui during the selection process,
the runlevel will<br>
> be 5. If you use the text process during the install, even if you
> X stuff with Gnome desktop, the runlevel will be 3.<br>
> <br>
> If you keep the anaconda_install.log and save it as a ks.cfg you can<br>
> still set the default runlevel to be 3 with a line<br>
> text<br>
> to be the install type.<br>
> I further kill off X with a<br>
> skipX<br>
> line to block X even being configured.<br>
> <br>
> Lastly, using %postinstall in a kickstart file, the runlevel can be<br>
> fixed at 3 with:<br>
> %postinstall<br>
> sed -i 's/\(^id\:\)5\(\:initdefault\)/\13\2/' /etc/inittab<br>
</font></tt><font size=2 face="sans-serif">This is exactly what I was looking
for. All of the other examples I found had me doing a manual modification
of inittab after the install was complete. I must keep X and gnome
because the Oracle requires it.</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Thanks,<br>
Gene Poole<br>