Mornin' all,<br><br>Per subject line above, I've been trying Mandriva's latest free offering for a week or so. Among a few little issues are:<br><br>1. Have managed to break the zoom ability of my mouse wheel; all applications. I rarely post for help on any board because I can *always* find that my problem has been solved already by someone else via Google. This one seems to be an exception. If you'd like hardwr/distro/log info, please let me know.<br>
2. Windows [i'm dual-boot] now gives me a bsod BSOD maybe a half-second into the Windows Launch Screen. I know it's usually a pile of hex address hieroglyphics [to me, anyway] but i see the blue screen for less than .1 seconds before screen goes black and box reboots. Plenty of info out there on this problem but almost too much to sort through without some guidance for a dilettante. Any preferred sites/FAQ's/fora much appreciated.<br>
<br>Thanks in advance,<br><br><br>John K.<br><br><br>