<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed; font-size: 13px;" lang="x-western">> There is a bit of delay before it switches so if you enter another
>channel change before it is finished you will get interesting results.
<br>> zir 63-3
<br>> zir 17-1
<br>> In quick succession this ends up telling the box to switch to channel
>317-1. During a channel switch there is some feedback from the box. It
>may be necessary to parse this to avoid a channel change collisions.
<br>It looks like the box is waiting for you to press sel/enter on the
remote. You know when you type in a number on a remote and the OSD shows
what you type? It'll hang for a few seconds while it waits for input,
and if you don't press enter, it'll finally just change the channel.
<br>Looks like it takes whatever input you give it and just overflows the
previous input off until it receives an enter or a timeout.
<br>Try sending it a 'zir <channel> sel' and maybe it'll take that, or 'zir
<channel>' and a separate 'zir sel'.