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Hey Mike,<br>
Can you think of any "gotchas" if I was wanting to update a FC6
mail server to F9? I've been meaning to do something about it since
FC6 was deprecated, but I haven't taken that plunge yet. :)<br>
Any advice would be appreciated. <br>
Michael H. Warfield wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:1211169130.5960.21.camel@canyon.wittsend.com"
<pre wrap="">On Sun, 2008-05-18 at 19:13 -0400, Scott Castaline wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Has anybody tried Fedora 9 yet? Any particular problems with the
install? Any suggestions as to what to avoid?
<pre wrap=""><!---->
I've got several installations now.
A few gotchas.
If you are doing an upgrade make sure you have updated to the latest
updates first (especially if you love Emacs [yuck])!
If you are thinking about doing a live yum upgrade from F8 to F9, read
the Fedora FAQ and follow those instructions carefully. It works and it
works well. Make sure you do the appropriate "yum clean all" steps.
If you are thinking about trying out the new "preupgrade" that is
suppose to be an alternative to a live yum upgrade, I would pass.
IMHO... Not ready for prime time yet and no real advantage over live
yum upgrade and you will still be down for an hour or so.
64 bit live yum upgrade was a bit of a pain due to some lingering 32
bit applications. Just removing them and anything (32 bit only) that
depends on them and you're cool.
If you have both dhclient and dhcp (server) installed on the system,
you're going to run into a conflict in the upgrade. Just remove the one
you are not using.
If you are using IPSec (OpenSWAN) with X.509 certificates, beware. I'm
still sorting through the debris where that cratered. I had to
downgrade OpenSWAN back to the F8 version.
On a limited number of systems, when you reboot you won't have X
Windows. Just remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf and try again. They're trying
to go configureless and some configurations and cards (ATI and maybe
others) are causing problems where no configuration file at all works.
I've now done close to 12 systems in the last few days. Only real
heartburn was when my VPN went down because of the IPSec nonsense.
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