I put the e-mail address in /etc/mail/access, like
">bha@ixl.com RELAY
then, run makemap hash /etc/mail/access </etc/mail/access
to create the access.db database.
name_allow and relay_allow came from an anti-relay patch
for sendmail 8.8, I beleive. The standard sendmail 8.9
use the access database.
-----Original Message-----
From: John [mailto:">jcouncilman@knology.net]
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 12:47 PM
To: ">BHa@ixl.com; ">ale@ale.org
Subject: Re: [ale] sendmail relay, without relay?
Which one does the e-mail address go in?
name_allow or relay_allow?
----- Original Message -----
From: ">BHa@ixl.com>
To: ">ale@ale.org>
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 12:38 PM
Subject: RE: [ale] sendmail relay, without relay?
> Not sendmail.cf. Check on the access database. You can specify that
> it will relay her mails, based on her e-mail address in the from field.
> Bao
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert L. Harris [mailto:">Robert.L.Harris@rnd-consulting.com]
> Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 12:22 PM
> To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
> Subject: [ale] sendmail relay, without relay?
> OK,
> I have a friend, running his domain off a single static ip on his
> dsl at home. He can receive email, or mail from his box directly, but
> when his girlfriend tries to use outlook/netscape via imap4 from a
> PC behind it (ipmasq'd box) it refuses to "relay" the mail. No,
> she won't change as she has to use the same thing at work, etc. That
> is not an option.
> What has to be changed in the sendmail.cf to get the box to accept mail
> from boxes that are behind it, masq'd?
> Robert
> :wq!
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Robert L. Harris | Microso~1 :
> Senior System Engineer | For when quality, reliability
> at RnD Consulting | and security just aren't
> \_ that important!
> These are MY OPINIONS ALONE. I speak for no-one else.
> FYI:
> perl -e 'print
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