Rich wrote:
> This whole subject begs a few questions.
> 2. Is outlook/IE targeted due to their being MS products, because they
> are easiest to target or for other reasons?
Easiest, most common.
> 3. The Time article by Gates says, essentially, that MS control of the
> whole system is the best defense against a virus. If that is the
> case, why is MS currently the easiest target?
Gates is wrong - MS control of the whole system would have made it WORSE.
Every Linux user was safe, every Mac user was safe - the thing that would make
it better would be MORE DIFFERENT OS's, so that the viruses could not easily
contain all the different variations, and thus spread less.
A good analogy is biological viruses - in a gene pool of less variation (i.e.
95% Windows), a single pathogen can destroy the whole population. In one with
a healthy heterogeneousness, the virus does not spread to all, and the
Pete Hardie | Goalie, DVSG Dart Team
Scientific Atlanta |
Digital Video Services Group |
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