Quick question......
I am trying to write a simple script that sends variables to another program
through the web.....
the program is listar (A mail list program).....
to add a new list, one would type /path/to/listar -newlist listname >>
/etc/aliases which will create a new list and send the output to the
sendmail aliases files in the standard sendmail alias format.
Doing a script to handle that is no problem, but the catch is that after the
listar program runs, it asks for the email addy of the list admin...
Below is Listar adding a list regularly:
./listar -newlist testing2 >> /etc/aliases.2
Creating new list 'testing2'...
List admin e-mail: ">me@me.com <---- It pauses and asks for the list
admin's e-mail addy, which you cannot send in as a variable.
Writing config file...done.
Creating default user file...done.
Sending aliases for sendmail/Exim/Postfix/Zmailer to stdout.
So, my script must ask the user for the list name and an e-mail address, in
this case testing2 for the list name, which is the easy part, I can just use
something like $0 or $name or whatever for that.
then, the part I can't figure out is a way to wait until I see "List admin"
and then enter the e-mail addy gathered from the script.
The whole purpose of this is to be able to add a new list through the web as
mentioned earlier....
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
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