Hi folks.
At my talk at the ALE meeting this past month I failed to mention
an "educational" program I have written to help get started learning
how to code using RTAI or RT-Linux.
BUZZ v1.0 is now available at
BUZZ requires RTAI v1.1 for later, available at http://www.rtai.org
What is it?
BUZZ sets up at 18.6 kHz real-time task and a slower 100+ Hz task to
generate low-frequency-modulated tones out of your PC speaker.
The user can set the center frequency of the tone and the frequency
and amplitude (i.e. change on tone frequency) of the modulation, using
several (sine,ramp,sawtooth) preselected waveforms. Sounds like an
old Atari 2600. Or an old Star Trek episode. Happy hacking.
Dr. Robert Butera, Assistant Professor GGGG
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering                 G
Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences                 G GGGTTTTT
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA                  G G T
contact info --> http://www.ece.gatech.edu/users/rbutera/ GGGG T
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