First, there's "if it ain't broke...".
Linux is provable to be at least twice as fast as Windows or NT.
Sendmail 8.10 has lots of features to resist intrusions and spam and to
bost performance, oh, and to resist Distributed Denial of Service attacks.
Problems get fixed fast!
A few weeks ago a half-hearted Denial of Service attack (SYN Flood)
attack against from a single system required them to block
that host from their firewall to prevent the whole site from
Linux resists this attack automatically and without loss of performance
since kernel 2.0.36.
A client of mine operates an all Windows & NT shop except for their
mail server, a linux box supporting pop clients. It works great and
requires virtually no maintenance. I make about one visit a year to
increase capacity as they grow and merge. One of those visits was to
upgrade to a Y2K compliant version of Linux and test the heck out of it.
Even Microsoft cannot figure how to replace (owned be 'em)
UNIX systems with NT and not suffer it collapsing from the load.
Have 'em look at my site ( for more thoughts on
Bob Toxen (mirror)
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