This also brings up a good point. I've got MediaOne broadband access down
here, but from what I saw on the MediaOne pages you're limited to 2hrs of
dial a month, and everything above and beyond that is paid per-hour. If
you're looking for a good MediaOne backup (down here reliability is
horrible), or for a decent traveling account, I've had great success with
FreeWWWeb ( They provide traditional PPP dialup for
$0, all you have to do is adhere to the honor system and set their
homepage as your browser's default page (it's not bad really, it's a
frontend to and isn't really ad-laden). The best part is it
runs under Linux, and at no time do you ever have to deal with annoying
I've used the service while visiting Atlanta before and from what I could
tell it was pretty reliable and quick, and I didn't get any busy signals
(even when calling at 7:30p on a thursday night).
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| Senior Systems Administrator | Personal - "> |
| VenerNet Inc -- | |
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