The onyl difference between SSH and OpenSSH is that OpenSSH has all of the
export-restricted encryption algorithms and such taken out. OpenSSH and
SSH will interact perfectly together. As far as one being more secure
than the other, I have never heard anything that glorified either of
them. There is always the advantage that OpenSSH is open-sourced...
On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, Randy Janinda wrote:
> I have limited experience with either of the two subjects. I have recently
> found myself NEEDING to implement one of them. My question(s):
> Is there an obvious benefit to using OpenSSH over SSH 1.2.27?
> Can the OpenSSH client interact with the SSH server?
>         -        I have a web host that has SSH, I want to be able to connect.
> Is OpenSSH more secure (i.e. buffer overun) then SSH?
Ryan Bridges
"It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness" --Chinese Proverb
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