On Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 09:47:13AM -0500, Russell Enderby wrote:
> My understanding is this is a kernel compile option. I have been planning on
> setting it up but have not got around to it so I am not sure of the exact option.
> But that should point you in the right direction.
> Russell
It has to be enabled in the kernel but then you also need to add
an option to the kernel boot configuration in lilo. Here is my lilo
append="console=tty1 console=ttyS0,38400"
The "serial" line in the global options enables lilo to use serial
port 0 at 38.4K no parity and 8 bits. The "append" line in the image
section appends the serial console information to the kernel boot options
and says the console can be on virtual terminal tty1 or on serial terminal
ttyS0. Since the later is the last in the line /dev/console is mapped
to ttyS0.
Now... I have a problem with this. These options work perfectly
fine except for one thing. Lilo displays the prompt over the serial line
to the system at the other end. The kernel boots fine and I get the console
output to the serial line. However, if I try to type something at lilo,
say to select another boot image or something, the input data from the
serial line is ignored. I'm forced to wait for it to time out and boot
the default configuration. If a keyboard is plugged in at the screen
console (which it is not normally) lilo will respond to keyboard input.
It just won't respond to serial port input.
I've tried different values of parity and bits, to no effect.
I have not tried slower baud rates (I wish it would go faster than 38.4,
but that's a lilo limitation - not a kernel limitation).
Anyone know why or what to do about it?
Kernel version 2.2.14
Lilo 0.21-6
> Louis Zamora wrote:
> > I know how to tell lilo to use the serial port as console when booting. How
> > do I tell the kernel that /dev/console is really the serial port?
> > thanks,
> > Louie
> > --
Michael H. Warfield | (770) 985-6132 | ">mhw@WittsEnd.com
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