www.mapblast.com gives you decimal latt/long for any street address (or
anywhere it will give you a map really).
-Robert Gash
On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, David S. Jackson wrote:
> Does anyone know of any tools on the Net to give you your longitude and
> lattitude coordinates if you give a city or a nearby landmark?
> If any of you have a GPS and live near me, I live near the Border of
> Fulton and East Cobb on Roswell Rd. (I'm in East Cobb, the last
> development on Roswell Rd. before you enter Fulton County). This info
> is for my little wmMoon applications for WindowMaker that I just got
> from DockApp Warehouse. :-)
> --
> David S. Jackson http://www.dsj.net
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> "In theory, theory and practice are the same thing. In practice,
> they are different." -- Bruce Schnier
> --
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| Robert Gash | Work - ">gashalot@fasturl.net |
| Senior Systems Administrator | Personal - ">gashalot@gashalot.com |
| VenerNet Inc -- www.fasturl.net | http://www.gashalot.com |
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