Agreed. In fact, it's also important to note that anyone using any type
of remote connection (remote = not ethernet) should probably look into
screen. When you are inadvertently disconnected from your session, screen
keeps on running so when your [cable|asdl|modem] goes out and you regain
service, you don't end up killing that remote compile of X or your kernel
that was almost done, and it dosen't make vi run rampant (only on some
boxes) and use all of the CPU.
It's also great to consolidate your sessions so you can have 3 or 4
sessions on 3 or 4 machines w/o having 16 rxvt's open.
On 20 Jan 2000, Mike Fletcher wrote:
> >>>>> "Chris" == Chris Fowler ">> writes:
> Chris> Whay does screen only use vt100 emulation. Can it not be
> Chris> modified to use the emulation that is already on the
> Chris> terminal.
> Screen behaves like a virtual vt100 to programs running
> underneath it and maps the output to the actual terminal it's running
> under. Becasue of this, you can start up a screen in an xterm
> (TERM=xterm), detach it and reattach on the console of another box
> (TERM=linux), detach again and reattach from a sun text mode console
> (TERM=sun), . . . and the programs running under screen never need to
> be aware that anything's changed. Many programs can't change their
> conception of what type of terminal they're talking to without being
> restarted.
> Chris> Otherwise screen sux.
> On the contrary, screen rules (and shows yet another
> deficiency of NT (lack of ptys) :). I leave a couple of shells and
> emacs/gnus running under it on my box at home and can ssh back in from
> anywhere and pick right back up where I left off. Plus the
> inter-screen cut and paste and logging comes in handy those times you
> forget to run script.
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