I know WebBench 3.0 from ZDNet's PCLabs is the one we've always used. The
problem is the fact that while the server can be a Windows box, the
clients all have to be Windows boxes (and you really need at least 2,
since you loose one to being a master controller). We got a dual p200mmx
w/ 256mb RAM and 2.2.1 pushing 30mbit of dynamic content (at 100% cpu load
on both processors) before we crashed anything (and it was the network
that died first).
-Robert Gash
On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, Jeff Hubbs wrote:
> Are there any good low-cost ways to perform stress-testing of Web servers in
> Linux-land?
> - Jeff
> --
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| Robert Gash | Work - ">gashalot@fasturl.net |
| Senior Systems Administrator | Personal - ">gashalot@gashalot.com |
| VenerNet Inc -- www.fasturl.net | http://www.gashalot.com |
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