>>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff Hubbs ">Jhubbs@niit.com> writes:
Jeff> Are there any good low-cost ways to perform stress-testing
Jeff> of Web servers in Linux-land?
Apache comes with a program `ab' that can hammer on a server:
Usage: ./ab [options] [http://]hostname[:port]/path
Options are:
-n requests Number of requests to perform
-c concurrency Number of multiple requests to make
-t timelimit Seconds to max. wait for responses
-p postfile File containg data to POST
-T content-type Content-type header for POSTing
-v verbosity How much troubleshooting info to print
-w Print out results in HTML tables
-x attributes String to insert as table attributes
-y attributes String to insert as tr attributes
-z attributes String to insert as td or th attributes
-V Print version number and exit
-k Use HTTP KeepAlive feature
-h Display usage information (this message)
Also, I think there was a column in WebTechniques on how to do
it using the perl LWP modules a while back. Check their web site or
Randal Schwartz's.
Fletch | "If you find my answers frightening, __`'/|
">fletch@phydeaux.org | Vincent, you should cease askin' \ o.O'
678 443-6239(w) | scary questions." -- Jules =(___)=
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