It's been some time since I've had to mess with the configuration of samba.
Once you finally get it working right, it runs trouble-free, so you tend to
forget the configuration details.
Nonetheless, I believe that the browsing of shares (via the IPC$ connection)
is done using the guest account, as defined in the smb.conf file. You
should check to make sure this guest account parameter identifies a valid
linux account in your /etc/passwd file.
Also, If your printer share is set for "guest ok", then check to make sure
the guest account has printing privileges on your system.
-----Original Message-----
From:        "> [SMTP:">]
Sent:        Tuesday, January 11, 2000 7:33 AM
To:        ">
Subject:        [ale] Samba Networking
I think I finally have correctly configured Samba, because I can see my
linux machine on the Neighborhood Network on my windoze pc. The only problem
is when I go to configure a network printer I click on the linux machine, and
a password box pops up with \\linuxbox\IPC$. I don't remember ever setting a
password. Do I have to setup a user account for the machine? Help!
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