">cwoodruff@worldwindtech.com wrote:
> A couple of us are trying to start a development discussion group here in Atlanta and wanted to see what the level of excitement would be. If you are interested please drop me a note or else I will be at the ALE meeting Thursday night.
> What we have in mind is to concentrate on software development and methods for both the server side and clients. Ideas could range from kernel internals to GTK/QT GUI design. Ideas and topics are welcomed.
> Chris Woodruff
> ">cwoodruff@worldwindtech.com
> --
> To unsubscribe: mail ">majordomo@ale.org with "unsubscribe ale" in message body.
Very interested in principle. Time, however, is a limiting factor...
David Corbin
Mach Turtle Technologies, Inc.
To unsubscribe: mail ">majordomo@ale.org with "unsubscribe ale" in message body.